“Motivation drives the creative process so there's no surprise that the opportunities ahead keep us going; the chance of designing something really special.”

Maintaining motivation within the design process can be difficult with looming deadlines and demanding clients.

How do we stay motivated?

Caleb Ogden (@calebogden)

Most of my motivation comes from seeing the great work and success of other professionals. When I see stellar work, new ideas, or innovative tweaks to old techniques being performed by other creatives in the industry, I get excited to dive back into my own (or client) work.

Karim Boubker (@karimboubker)

I truly believe that what keeps me motivated the most is the idea that by doing great work that I believe in, I will be able to affect the lives of others in a small yet positive way. This is great feeling. Faith also, as it keeps me believing in life, people, myself… and allows me to always be thankful for the things I have. Faith is important.

Andy Kleeman (@tbwcf)

New challenges, challenges which push me to do and try things I’ve not done before – if you stop doing new things you stop learning and we should all keep learning. Success and satisfaction – I feel these the most when my work has helped a client become successful and also if a client receives feedback on ‘how good their design is‘ – their clients telling them ‘they really like it‘ – that’s a very motivating and fulfilling thing to hear.

Ari Suardiyanti (@chykalophia)

My future, that’s what keep me motivated on any design project. Reason: simply because I know whatever we gain today, we’ll see the result in the future, and that applies to me as designer.

Motivation drives the creative process so there’s no surprise that the opportunities ahead keep us going; the chance of designing something really special. To achieve this we must inspire ourselves and believe in our talents. Observing what’s possible, receiving positive and encouraging feedback, and having faith in own ability are the foundations of motivation.

What does motivation mean to you? Leave a comment below.