David Bushell is a website designer and front-end developer. He blogs regularly at dbushell.com. You can also follow him on Twitter @dbushell.

What motivates us?

Maintaining motivation within the design process can be difficult with looming deadlines and demanding clients. How do we stay motivated? Caleb Ogden (@calebogden) Most of my motivation comes from seeing the great work and success of other professionals. When I see stellar work, new ideas, or innovative tweaks to old techniques being performed by other [...]

On Ideas and Thoughts

xheight is now officially live. When I first dreamt of this project I had no idea how warm the reception would be. When contacting designers I struggled to explain the plan but still there was resounding positivity, regardless of the words I chose. Though I’ve initiated this project, it’s success relies on the generosity of [...]

welcome to xheight

xheight is a blog about ideas and thoughts. There are hundreds of professional design blogs online. There are massive publications giving superb practical advice, and there are small personal blogs, quietly influencing other inquisitive designers lucky enough to know of them. xheight aims to share the inner-most secrets of professional designers. On one hand, this blog will [...]

What does design mean to you?

This article was originally posted at dbushell.com to announce xheight. I write a lot about my experiences as a professional Web Designer. Writing helps shape my understanding. Sometimes I’ll start writing on a topic only to realise I know less than I thought I did. What fascinates me more though is reading what other designers have to [...]