“What fascinates me more though is reading what other designers have to say.”

This article was originally posted at dbushell.com to announce xheight.

I write a lot about my experiences as a professional Web Designer. Writing helps shape my understanding. Sometimes I’ll start writing on a topic only to realise I know less than I thought I did.

What fascinates me more though is reading what other designers have to say. For that reason I’m planning to launch a new blog soon! It will be a collaborative effort, with many authors contributing their thoughts on how they design.

Below is a few paragraphs from the article I’m writing to give you an idea of the style and purpose of this new blog (title still to be decided).

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Trying to describe the direction design takes can be near impossible in the moment. There is no linear step towards a perfect design solution. A synapses fires, triggered by a spontaneous lateral association—often later forgotten—resulting in an idea.

The better the idea, the harder to explain its origin.

Design starts with the obvious solution. A visual pun, a series of related words, a merging of two, or three concepts. Multiply simplicity by the post-obviousness of the final idea and you result in the successfulness of the project. Simplicity is the hardest thing to achieve. Good design makes you think:why didn’t I think of that?

In most cases this is good enough. Firstly, because the design insight is fresh – different from what has been done before (at least in the short term memory of consumers). Trends and opinion change with time; a continuous feed for the designer. Design as a whole shifts with technological and social progression. From Modernism to the Contemporary. A few individuals are heralded as visionaries, but even they could not have progressed without the collective design movement; where influence is energy, and inspiration is drawn from all corners.

Revolutionary design comes from a truly unique insight, and they’re hard to come by. For a designer anything less is to some degree disappointing. Striving for perfection is the only way to feel a sense of achievement, to reinvigorate self-confidence (“ego” to others).

Designers must keep up to date with their peers. With the world at their fingertips it’s too easy to become overwhelmed with information, ideas and envy. Ego and self-doubt are different sides of the same coin. On one side is a feeling of immense pride, on the other, a paralyzing sense of inadequacy.

For the most part a professional designer balances somewhere in-between. Content with the coin spinning, uncertain as to which side it will land next, but positive of the amazing opportunities within reach…

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If you’re a professional designer and blogger (in any discipline) and would like to contribute, leave a comment here (or tweet me) and I’ll get in touch with more details. I’ll be contacting a few people directly over the next few weeks.